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(3 edits) (+1)

:D saw all of the playthrough and thank you! :). 

Could I ask something? Did you play this on Windows, Mac, or Linux machine?

(1 edit)

We played on a Windows PC

Deleted 1 year ago
(4 edits)

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll explore an alternative method to bundle the MacOS game that doesn't require bundling. Since I don't have access to a MacOS, I've been searching for solutions to ensure compatibility for MacOS users. Please allow me a few minutes to try another approach.

The most optimal solution is to utilize the app for running the game. However, the options below provide manual methods for running it. I appreciate your cooperation.

Fishgrid does require you to have Dotnet installed, but it should have informed you if Microsoft's dotnet is not installed. If you clicked 'no' and tried to run it, that may also be the cause.

Fishgrid needs to set up directories for game saves and log files. Log files are necessary in case of any errors or crashes, so that users can report back to me about what caused the game to crash. Fishgrid also needs to read and load content files such as graphics, data files, and sound/music files. This is why I use that type of chmod.

One thing I forget to mention, usually when you get a black window or black screen is usually not letting it have permission to access the content files which it will sit there. Anything in "Content" or as in the MacOs bundle: Contents/Resources/Content.

Update: I've tested an alternative method to run the game without using an MacOs bundle. Hopefully you give me an update if it worked or not.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Since you provided me with more information, I will revert back to bundling since it was better :). It might be better to use wine or something that isn't MacOS. I did my best. Signing costs money and it's not cheap, so I will not be signing my apps. I know there are options in your MacOS to allow unsigned apps to run.

If you encounter a black screen, then you're not allowing it to run or not allowing the libraries to load to run. I will revert back to the bundled version. In the past, no one brought up this issue and MacOS users were able to play my game with no issues.

As for log files, they're in AppData. For MacOS, that would be /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/FishGrid/Logs.

Deleted 1 year ago

Ah Yes. I did some stuff to the butler unloader to validate and fix permissions. Did this on this upload, I guess it worked.

Butler is used for to upload your games for itch. Does a bunch of other things for uploads too.

Anywho, this may fix the issue. Will start doing the butler fix permissions from now on. May not even need the chmod thing anymore.

Give me a few moments... shouldn't take long. I do have a command in my engine to handle MacOs Bundles, I am sure it was on.. let me recheck by creating another bundle.

no more than 5mins.